Michael Halliday, Green Sentinel
acrylic on stretched canvas, 72” x 60”
The artist on their work: “Once in progress, I allow the painting to have a life of its own.”
To display this piece in your space, subscribe to enroll your wall then note this piece in the artwork request form.
Michael Halliday, Green Sentinel
acrylic on stretched canvas, 72” x 60”
The artist on their work: “Once in progress, I allow the painting to have a life of its own.”
To display this piece in your space, subscribe to enroll your wall then note this piece in the artwork request form.
Michael Halliday, Green Sentinel
acrylic on stretched canvas, 72” x 60”
The artist on their work: “Once in progress, I allow the painting to have a life of its own.”
To display this piece in your space, subscribe to enroll your wall then note this piece in the artwork request form.