Dillon Beck

DILLON BECK is a contemporary artist, muralist, and designer based out of Columbus, Ohio. His work has always found its footing somewhere in the realm between analog and digital; between the real and the impossible. With a keen eye for detail and a vibrant imagination, Dillon creates mixed-media works that transport viewers to ethereal worlds - a place you’ve never been that somehow feels oddly familiar.

He utilizes a variety of media to create his work, focusing on the duality between modern and traditional mediums. The process begins with detailed measurements and renderings, meticulously taping and spraying each layer. Dillon places significant importance on the use of artist-grade spray paint, harnessing its intense pigmentation, ability to create hyper-smooth gradients, and its capacity to take on the texture of the surface beneath it.

His artistic pieces regularly explore the concepts of space and time, incorporating elements like stairs, passages, and doorways. The intention behind his artwork is to allow viewers to feel as though they can enter his paintings and explore the worlds within. Typically, figures are avoided to keep the worlds he creates mysterious and steeped in fantasy. However, you may find an occasional figure or silhouette present - the suggestion of figures was employed to create scale and make the worlds more accessible, as opposed to the deliberate lack of figures to evoke a sense of vastness and chaos.

Dillon’s approach to creating artwork is akin to his perspective on any great song, recipe, or experience—one shouldn’t have to place all of their focus on the work to appreciate it, but it should be mind-blowing for those who really take the time to pay attention.


Elizabeth Beattie


Kirsta Benedetti